Pure Thai Naturals

Thanaka - Unique Tradition for Skin Health, Identity and Mindfulness

Thanaka - Unique Tradition for Skin Health, Identity and Mindfulness
The use of thanaka in Burmese and Karen culture is deeply ingrained, and it is considered a symbol of national identity. Women and children, in particular, use it to enhance their complexion, protect their skin from the harsh sun, and keep their skin soft and supple. Moreover, thanaka is often applied to the face and body in decorative patterns during festivals, weddings, and other celebrations.

Kaffir Lime - Fragrant & Healing

Kaffir Lime - Fragrant & Healing
Kaffir lime essential oil is derived from the leaves of the kaffir lime plant, which is commonly found in Southeast Asia. Kaffir lime is also known...

Beeswax: Unique Enzymes and Proteins for Healing

Beeswax: Unique Enzymes and Proteins for Healing

Beeswax has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to help with wound healing. A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology found that beeswax has wound healing activity. In this study, the researchers observed that when applied topically to rats, beeswax helped to promote the growth of new skin cells, as well as reducing inflammation and scarring.