Pure Thai Naturals

Unraveling the Buzz: Natural and Farmed Beeswax Compared

Unraveling the Buzz: Natural and Farmed Beeswax Compared
We talk about "beeswax", and see it listed it as a product ingredient, as if it is a standard, homogenous, always-the-same product.  Beeswax, with ...

Getting Inked? Natural Tattoo Aftercare for a Better Result!

Getting Inked?  Natural Tattoo Aftercare for a Better Result!
Scabbing, crazy itching, infections or keloid scarring can happen to a small percentage of people after their tattoo experience; they can be triggered not just by the inks themselves, but by the environmental chemicals you expose your fresh tattoo to.  The chemicals in some tattoo aftercare products may actually be damaging your ink!  And it's why the "natural" part of the tattoo after-care equation matters.

I'm Ingesting HOW MUCH Lip Product? Is That Even Safe?

I'm Ingesting HOW MUCH Lip Product?  Is That Even Safe?
Lip products, such as lip balms, lipsticks, and lip glosses, are widely used by people of all ages. However, many people simply aren’t aware of how...

Beeswax: Unique Enzymes and Proteins for Healing

Beeswax: Unique Enzymes and Proteins for Healing

Beeswax has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to help with wound healing. A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology found that beeswax has wound healing activity. In this study, the researchers observed that when applied topically to rats, beeswax helped to promote the growth of new skin cells, as well as reducing inflammation and scarring.